Results from mangafodipir preclinical study are presented at the ECR 2024 conference
Results from a preclinical study, using manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) to assess the rate of manganese uptake in cardiomyocytes in vivo, are presented at the annual European Congress of Radiology (ECR) conference in Vienna, Austria.
The study evaluated a new, clinically improved MRI protocol and kinetic model for manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) to assess the rate of manganese uptake in cardiomyocytes in vivo. Mangafodipir was used for MEMRI and a new computer simulation program was developed to allow the analyses of different values that would influence cellular manganese uptake and analyses of blood and myocardial time intensity curves.
The study revealed that the uptake rate constant for manganese is much lower in pigs than in humans; this finding was unexpected and may be related to the low cardiomyocyte T-tubulus density in pigs. MEMRI using mangafodipir may have the potential to indicate T-tubulus activity which is an important factor in the development of heart failure and other heart diseases.
We are very pleased to have presented the study at the respected ECR conference. This preclinical experimental study of the heart in pigs was done to test acquisition of images and data analyses before performing a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) trial in patients with heart failure. The planned Phase 2A clinical trial will start in summer 2024. This method is novel and relevant for examination of patients with heart disease.” said Jonny Østensen, Project Leader, Cardiac.
The poster, poster number C-11160, will be presented by Magne Mørk Kleppestø via the Electronic Presentation Online System (EPOS™).
The poster will be available at the European Society of Radiology’s online database for electronic scientific exhibits after the conference.
This R&D project “Manganese-enhanced MRI in Heart Failure” has received MNOK 15 in funding from the Research Council of Norway within the category “Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector” under grant agreement # 327815.